Saturday, July 23, 2011

Summertime Blues and Grays

Have you ever been drifting along in life with the same day-in, day-out routine? At times an event comes along to jerk me to an abrupt halt and I wake up one morning shaking my head, saying, "Now what is this all about?" "Why am I so blue?"

My jerk awake was both good and bad in the same event; a 40th high school reunion. The simple number 40 is enough to be a wake up call, let alone getting reacquainted with high school friends, reliving memories better forgotten and missing friends that have passed on before their time. Isn't there a saying, "You gotta take both good and bad together."?

As a woman of faith in Jesus, this event brought some thoughts to the forefront. I think of the scripture that God gave me from 2 Corithians 5:9 before the reunion, "Therefore we also have as our ambition, wheather at home or absent, to be pleasing to Him." For someone who has spent an inordinant amount of her life trying to please others and failing miserably, my aim is to be a pleasure and honor to my Lord Jesus. My conduct, speech, motivation and life leans toward this ambition. Out of the flow of that desire comes the ability to genuinely love others and prefer them before myself.

Do I screw up? Yes! Do I miss the mark? Of course! Am I perfect? What do YOU think?

As the blues fade (could have something to do with the terrible heat and humidity!), I am left with a grateful heart for this past weekend of reunion.

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